2-Wheel Diff.
Quintic Turn
No file loaded
Load a Param TXT file generated from a previous calculation
Calculate based on a varying radius (Full) or Constant Radius throughout the turn
Sym Values Unit
Δθ deg
Turn angle (deg). +ve to turn left, -ve to turn right
Δt s
Duration of turn (s). Preferably in multiples of sampling interval
Final degrees of "faster motor" (deg), can be -ve. If degrees to turn is -ve, this belongs to the left motor. If +ve, then it is the right motor's
Left motor's initial velocity, in terms of EV3 medium motor (MM) or EV3 large motor (LM) power. Make sure the magnitude does not exceed the tapering point, which depends on the motor load. In general, the tapering point is 80 for LM, and 70 for MM.
Left motor's initial velocity, in terms of EV3 medium motor (MM) or EV3 large motor (LM) power. Make sure the magnitude does not exceed the tapering point, which depends on the motor load. In general, the tapering point is 80 for LM, and 70 for MM.

Unit of 1 LEGO Power. LEGO power is a measurement of speed, pegged to the EV3 medium motor's (MM) or EV3 large motor's (LM) maximum rated angular speed. 1 EV3 MM Power = 15.6 deg/s, 1 EV3 LM Power = 10.6 deg/s.
Right motor's initial velocity, in terms of MM or LM power
Left motor's final velocity, in terms MM or LM power
Right motor's final velocity, in terms MM or LM power
W mm
Motorised wheels diameter (mm). Assumes both left and right wheels are identical. May be smaller than what you measure.
L mm
Axle track (mm). Separation between centre of both motorised wheels. May not be centre depending on structure of robot or wheel thickness
T s
Sampling Interval (s). Preferably at 0.05s. The EV3 processor can respond well enough if the loop iteration interval is at 0.05s
Motor inversion, affects only RTF output. If a motor is inverted, whatever velocity values displayed here will be multiplied by -1 in the RTF file. Useful if MM are used for locomotion
RTF Param
RTF files and Param TXT file. RTF for velocity output for left and right motors. Odd lines are left, even lines are right. The first line belongs to the left motor. Param contains the RTF file names and all parameters used in the calculation, so you may reload them to view or adjust the parameters at another time
Calculated Parameters
Sym Min Max Final Unit
L N/A N/A N/A deg
Left motor's degrees
R N/A N/A N/A deg
Right motor's degrees
Left motor's power. Make sure that the magnitude does not exceed 70 (MM) or 80 (LM) or some other power depending on your motor load
Right motor's power. Make sure that the magnitude does not exceed 70 (MM) or 80 (LM) or some other power depending on your motor load
Left motor's acceleration (power·s-1). This is proportional to force, and hence a high magnitude can result in skidding
Right motor's acceleration (power·s-1). This is proportional to force, and hence a high magnitude can result in skidding
Left motor's acceleration derivative (power·s-2). This is proportional to jerk, the derivative of force, and hence a high magnitude can result in skidding
Right motor's acceleration derivative (power·s-2). This is proportional to jerk, the derivative of force, and hence a high magnitude can result in skidding
x N/A N/A N/A mm
Displacement in the initial forward direction (mm)
y N/A N/A N/A mm
Displacement in the initial left direction (mm)
θ N/A N/A N/A deg
Turn angle (deg)
r N/A N/A N/A mm
Turn radius (mm)
Robot Orientation
Motor Angle
Motor Angular Velocity
Motor Angular Acceleration
Turn Radius
Numeric Equation (Left)
Sym Values Unit
L 0 t deg
+ 0 t3
+ 0 t4
+ 0 t5
0 N/A
+ 0 t2
+ 0 t3
+ 0 t4
0 t N/A
+ 0 t2
+ 0 t3
Numeric Equation (Right)
Sym Values Unit
R 0 t deg
+ 0 t3
+ 0 t4
+ 0 t5
0 N/A
+ 0 t2
+ 0 t3
+ 0 t4
0 t N/A
+ 0 t2
+ 0 t3
2019 July 30, 20:26, Lai Yan Kai